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A message from us.

It is just over a year since we launched We are Office, back in pre-pandemic 2019 when the world was different. Since then, homeworking has become the norm, (even gaining its own acronym of WFH) and the workplace has changed beyond anything we could imagine. Or has it? Because the inspiration for We Are Office was the fact that the office as we know it was changing.

Our visionary driver was that an office was no longer just a large room with desks and chairs in it, but instead a myriad of options ranging from a car to a cabin, even to the tennis court! Office is where we do our work, and that has mutated over several years now to cover a whole host of locations! We wanted to support this transition.

To provide a place where everyone can go, to be inspired by new ideas and ways of working.

A place that understands the ‘new normal’ even as it was already developing back in the distant days of pre-Covid.

We are proud of our our vision. We are thrilled we anticipated change, even if it was speeded up by an unforeseen foe. As pioneers, we will continue to tread the course of discovery and promote the new and exciting developments in how we work.

Everything is office now.

We are Office.

Our Latest Articles

Stories from a travelling salesman.

Get out of my office, and into my car.  Maybe it's time you went on the road.

By Paul Pinder  |  19th June 2019